Imagine YOU - Finally Smoke Free!
It's Time To Finally Stop Smoking - and I am Here to Help You Put Cigarettes Down And Never, Ever Pick Them Up Again! If you WANT to stop smoking forever, then call me now at 508-481-8383. In two hours of time together, you will stop smoking, with the aid of hypnosis to end this nasty habit!
If you want to quit - you will succeed with my stop smoking program.
I was completely amazed that I was able to stop smoking forever with hypnosis. I had tried just about everything else and I was feeling hopeless. In two sessions together, Bob helped me reprogram my mind to be a non-smoker! Thank you!
- Peter G., Worcester, MA
The fact that you are here tells me you have already made a huge step. CONGRATULATIONS! You have already started your journey toward becoming a non-smoker for the rest of your life. Over the past 16 years in practice, we have helped several hundred people to stop smoking.
Our program is a two-session process, about a week apart, and you will likely leave the first session as a non-smoker. We use the second session to reinforce the habit change. We have about a 90 percent success rate with smokers who want to stop smoking. If you are ready to stop, and you want to stop for all of your own right reasons, then take the next step and let's talk about ending this nasty habit. Call the office now at 508-481-8383 or click below to get on my calendar soon.
Our program is a two-session process, about a week apart, and you will likely leave the first session as a non-smoker. We use the second session to reinforce the habit change. We have about a 90 percent success rate with smokers who want to stop smoking. If you are ready to stop, and you want to stop for all of your own right reasons, then take the next step and let's talk about ending this nasty habit. Call the office now at 508-481-8383 or click below to get on my calendar soon.
It's all making sense now...isn't it? You are here because it is your turn. Something is motivating you to make a healthy shift in your life.
If you are ready to stop smoking, I am here to help you succeed. Many of my clients stop smoking in one session, some require two sessions to make the decision really become true for them. Let's talk about your smoking history, your desire to let it go now, and how hypnosis can help you stop smoking forever. Call 508-481-8383 and let's get all of your questions answered. |
You've tried everything... and yet, here you are. Seeing the hypnotist is usually the last resort for many smokers, when it should be the first option!
You have friends who stopped smoking using hypnosis to shift back to a smoke free life. right?
Think about it.
Chantix didn't do it. The patch only fed you nicotine through the skin. Willpower alone doesn't work for most people. However, with hypnosis you can enjoy easy success IF you have decided that you want to become a non-smoker for the rest of your life! There is a PART of you that has always wanted to STOP... and now, with the support of your hypnotist, you can program your mind (literally, rewire your brain) to be a non-smoker.
the simple truth is this: in as little as 3 hours in my office you can become completely free of the smoking habit. I help people every week to shift their lives to a smoke-free world - free of a habit they never expected they could end.
Let's do this - together. For your family, your grand kids yet most importantly, for yourself!
You have to make the first step. Call me at 508.481.8383
Bob Martel
P.S. - About nicotine... the truth is... it takes only 48 hours to leave your body. Once you have decided to become a non-smoker again, the rest of your healthy transformation is all about programming your mind for habit change! Take the next step and let's make you a non-smoker.
You have friends who stopped smoking using hypnosis to shift back to a smoke free life. right?
Think about it.
Chantix didn't do it. The patch only fed you nicotine through the skin. Willpower alone doesn't work for most people. However, with hypnosis you can enjoy easy success IF you have decided that you want to become a non-smoker for the rest of your life! There is a PART of you that has always wanted to STOP... and now, with the support of your hypnotist, you can program your mind (literally, rewire your brain) to be a non-smoker.
the simple truth is this: in as little as 3 hours in my office you can become completely free of the smoking habit. I help people every week to shift their lives to a smoke-free world - free of a habit they never expected they could end.
Let's do this - together. For your family, your grand kids yet most importantly, for yourself!
You have to make the first step. Call me at 508.481.8383
Bob Martel
P.S. - About nicotine... the truth is... it takes only 48 hours to leave your body. Once you have decided to become a non-smoker again, the rest of your healthy transformation is all about programming your mind for habit change! Take the next step and let's make you a non-smoker.

Let's do this - together. Let's get you breathing free again.
Stopping smoking with hypnosis is an easy, relaxing process that puts you back in control - not the tobacco companies.
Hello. My name is Bob Martel, Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist and principal at Positive Results Hypnosis of Leominster, MA. I am a local hypnotist helping local people in my community and surrounding towns to solve a wide variety of issues using hypnotism as a success tool!
I'm amazed at how many doctors simply will not tell their patients who smoke to go see a good hypnotist. I am equally amazed at the medications they will prescribe instead.
One of my specialties is helping people stop smoking... without nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patches, electronic cigarettes, etc).
This is all about you, and your decision now to make a new choice and finally become a non-smoker for the rest of your life. You are here, reading this now because it is so important for you to end this bad habit. Oh yeah, you might "like it" but there is a part of you that has always wanted to stop smoking now. You have the power. All you have to do is really want to stop smoking. The rest is easy.
Perhaps you have tried all other avenues. Perhaps you have had success in the past. I applaud you for your courage to take a stand, say goodbye to tobacco in any form, and take back control of your life!
The really good news is that hypnotism is a proven, drug-free tool that helps the motivated person to consciously intervene and rewire a subconscious habit. I'll explain more in the session but feel free to call me at 508.481.8383 if you have any questions!
Now is your time... for you.. for your loved ones... so you can start breathing free again. You've smoked for years! Take ten minutes now to read this page, then sign up!
This is a big step in your life. Deciding to stop smoking and be a non-smoker for the rest of your life can, indeed, make you free at last! But keep this in mind. This is about change. It is about wanting the benefits that come from choosing health over smoking.
When you embrace this change, hypnosis and the power of consciously intervening to change a subconscious behavior make it truly possible to say goodbye to tobacco forever, When you commit, we commit. Plain and simple. This is a joint effort, you and me working for your highest and best.
The short answer is 'yes'! Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we enter several times each day. Hypnosis is defined as a heightened state of awareness, focus and concentration. There are several depths of hypnosis and for smoking cessation, a relatively light level is quite sufficient.
First of all, I am here to help you stop smoking if that is what you really want for yourself.
I know that your decision to stop smoking and let go of this nasty habit is a matter of life and death. I know. I lost both of my parents to lung cancer due to cigarette smoking. Smoking is a real killer and I know how important it is for you to stop now.
This is different. I promise. This small group seminar is not the typical "hotel hypnotist" event where you are subjected to high pressure sales tactics to reach into your wallet and grab a few hundred bucks. In other words, my program is a legitimate, ethical and proven program designed to help you truly quit smoking!
I can't guarantee that you will quit smoking. That's not how this works. I can guarantee that, if you are ready to quit, that I will certainly do my part to help you rewire your subconscious mind for the success you seek and deserve. My job is to help your mind hear positive suggestions for your highest and best, and to help you get in that state of mind that allows acceptance so that your subconscious mind will embrace the change. Your job, with my support, is to consciously intervene and choose a new path.
It's time to make the call and go see the hypnotist! Pick up the phone and call me at 508 481 8383
I look forward to helping you stop smoking forever.
About Your Hypnotist
Robert Martel is a professional hypnotist and personal performance coach who works with people to help them overcome the obstacles in the way of their own success and achievement.
He is the founder and Director of Positive Results Hypnosis located in Leominster, MA, a practice that is focused on helping people use the power of their mind to improve their self image and overall confidence, solve ordinary everyday issues and maximize the power of their mind. He is the past president of the Massachusetts Commonwealth Chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Robert is also certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the ICBCH for assisting people in golf improvement, smoking cessation, weight management, hoarding, PTSD, stress reduction and in working with cancer patients. He helps people to use their wonderful imagination to live in the now and move toward the life they seek for themselves and, specifically with seniors to help them reduce stress, improve memory, and increase their ability to relax and enjoy everyday life.
Robert (Bob) is a speaker, seminar leader, author, writer and a consultant to small business owners where he uses visualization, guided imagery and hypnotism to help executives and sales professionals to achieve their potential. He is a graduate of Northeastern University and is a Vietnam-era veteran of the US Navy's Submarine Service.
Stopping smoking with hypnosis is an easy, relaxing process that puts you back in control - not the tobacco companies.
Hello. My name is Bob Martel, Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist and principal at Positive Results Hypnosis of Leominster, MA. I am a local hypnotist helping local people in my community and surrounding towns to solve a wide variety of issues using hypnotism as a success tool!
I'm amazed at how many doctors simply will not tell their patients who smoke to go see a good hypnotist. I am equally amazed at the medications they will prescribe instead.
One of my specialties is helping people stop smoking... without nicotine replacement therapy (gum, patches, electronic cigarettes, etc).
This is all about you, and your decision now to make a new choice and finally become a non-smoker for the rest of your life. You are here, reading this now because it is so important for you to end this bad habit. Oh yeah, you might "like it" but there is a part of you that has always wanted to stop smoking now. You have the power. All you have to do is really want to stop smoking. The rest is easy.
Perhaps you have tried all other avenues. Perhaps you have had success in the past. I applaud you for your courage to take a stand, say goodbye to tobacco in any form, and take back control of your life!
The really good news is that hypnotism is a proven, drug-free tool that helps the motivated person to consciously intervene and rewire a subconscious habit. I'll explain more in the session but feel free to call me at 508.481.8383 if you have any questions!
Now is your time... for you.. for your loved ones... so you can start breathing free again. You've smoked for years! Take ten minutes now to read this page, then sign up!
This is a big step in your life. Deciding to stop smoking and be a non-smoker for the rest of your life can, indeed, make you free at last! But keep this in mind. This is about change. It is about wanting the benefits that come from choosing health over smoking.
When you embrace this change, hypnosis and the power of consciously intervening to change a subconscious behavior make it truly possible to say goodbye to tobacco forever, When you commit, we commit. Plain and simple. This is a joint effort, you and me working for your highest and best.
The short answer is 'yes'! Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that we enter several times each day. Hypnosis is defined as a heightened state of awareness, focus and concentration. There are several depths of hypnosis and for smoking cessation, a relatively light level is quite sufficient.
First of all, I am here to help you stop smoking if that is what you really want for yourself.
I know that your decision to stop smoking and let go of this nasty habit is a matter of life and death. I know. I lost both of my parents to lung cancer due to cigarette smoking. Smoking is a real killer and I know how important it is for you to stop now.
This is different. I promise. This small group seminar is not the typical "hotel hypnotist" event where you are subjected to high pressure sales tactics to reach into your wallet and grab a few hundred bucks. In other words, my program is a legitimate, ethical and proven program designed to help you truly quit smoking!
I can't guarantee that you will quit smoking. That's not how this works. I can guarantee that, if you are ready to quit, that I will certainly do my part to help you rewire your subconscious mind for the success you seek and deserve. My job is to help your mind hear positive suggestions for your highest and best, and to help you get in that state of mind that allows acceptance so that your subconscious mind will embrace the change. Your job, with my support, is to consciously intervene and choose a new path.
It's time to make the call and go see the hypnotist! Pick up the phone and call me at 508 481 8383
I look forward to helping you stop smoking forever.
About Your Hypnotist
Robert Martel is a professional hypnotist and personal performance coach who works with people to help them overcome the obstacles in the way of their own success and achievement.
He is the founder and Director of Positive Results Hypnosis located in Leominster, MA, a practice that is focused on helping people use the power of their mind to improve their self image and overall confidence, solve ordinary everyday issues and maximize the power of their mind. He is the past president of the Massachusetts Commonwealth Chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Robert is also certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the ICBCH for assisting people in golf improvement, smoking cessation, weight management, hoarding, PTSD, stress reduction and in working with cancer patients. He helps people to use their wonderful imagination to live in the now and move toward the life they seek for themselves and, specifically with seniors to help them reduce stress, improve memory, and increase their ability to relax and enjoy everyday life.
Robert (Bob) is a speaker, seminar leader, author, writer and a consultant to small business owners where he uses visualization, guided imagery and hypnotism to help executives and sales professionals to achieve their potential. He is a graduate of Northeastern University and is a Vietnam-era veteran of the US Navy's Submarine Service.